This year's hari raya is a special one for me and all - why?
becoz............. TAHUN NI SAYA TAK NGAMPUL!!(sape tak tau maknanya pegi ask around)
Special coz finally i got to round up the family to actually help out in managing the cck home.We pooled up to buy some necessities and also contributed the raya goodies + lauk. I contributed London Almond and Ayam Masak Merah. Sedaaaap..(sape nak puji kalau tak diri sendiri,ye tak?) Satu malam tak tido buat Kek Marble Yang Paling Last Minute tapi Paling Sedap Nak Mampos 4 my own mum.Then, in the raye m'ning at cck,I dozed off glamourously on the kerusi pak awang while waiting for the rest of the siblings' arrival.Managed to take a pic of the whole gang,with the exception of Mr&Mrs Ngah, yang kita tunggu mcm nak reput. Apeeerr je...
With anak2ku yang termanja
The family. Yang terpopular mesti la duduk kat tengah2..takut org tak nampak kang!
HEY!! get a tag board la!! hahaha. easier to talk mahh...
yes!! get a tagboard at ...& update soon!! More pictures please...
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