I couldn't describe today. The feeling of being thoroughly pampered overwhelmed me thru n thru.Thot that this year,it's gonna be the same like the years b4..my bday wud be just another day passing by.Instead I went for a gathering/Raya lunch @ the floating resto in Kg Melayu,by EDN Media Publishing.Since its strictly by invitation only, I went alone.Ate what I could fm the rather simple yet delectable little buffet.There was a live accoustic performance by 3 musicians: guitarist,flutist-cum-violinist and a rebana-ist.(Aper ntah..)I thot the guitarist played quite well,expressing his music thru his smiling eyes.When he began to sing, I was like..OMG! He sounded EXACTLY like my luncai emas!(M Nasir lah..)When we queried,he turned out to be Zainal, M Nasir's 3rd bro!That explains it..(Eh..he quite cute tau.The smile looks sincere..I hope it is!)Then I went home at abt 6,to a decent-looking tidied house,adorned with balloons,(!),courtesy of my 2 girls and their cuzzins,Yah & Ina.Surprise,surprise!There's a bday cake too(heavily laden with choco).We had a little 'party' and I, FOR THE VERY 1ST TIME,blew a candle!..I know,I know,they said it's not gud but hey!what the heck! secara suka-suka je..no negative motive.
My 2 girls + the cuzzins bought me gifts,wrapping helped by another niece-Ijan.(Thx,dear!)I got a Mom & Dad mugs,and a bear-bear,named.......CHUBBY!..I swear it is the name sewn/embroided beside his butt.SOOOOO CUUUUUUUUTTTE!.Will post e pics soon as my eyes are watering now...wanna zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....1st.
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