...and still counting...

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Wednesday 4 April 2007

Go fly kite...

hi people...
long time no blog..
U have no idea how BUSY I was since my last update..
.was needed here and there,...school,cck and mp...sometimes I felt that I had to be cut into half or quarters..just to fill the needs of the people around me..am I complaining?..nope..as much as I want to, I can't..well, at least I AM STILL needed..do I really want to be discarded?...hhmm...horrific...
Well,.my first story ...
...I was kept up to the brim with..mmm..where do I begin. Oh..I gotta revamp the TB class and came up with a new way of mass teaching,enhancing the system along the way. The new class is adapting well, so far, to my garangness.Apart from that,I held a workshop together with my team for the Malay and Chinese teachers of the Mother Tongue Department on 14th Feb,right after TB class @ the Art Room.A traditional-kite-making workshop to be exact.This is to equip them with the necessary skills to train the students later on to do their project for Mother Tongue Week.This year's focus will be on traditional games. it was agreed that traditional kite would be what the students will be making for their project.

Me, Sally and Ros met up at Ros' place to initialize the workshop. It was here that we took lots of pics (which I thot were too obnoxious to be posted here) on the first rangka that we managed to come up with.

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