From the One & Only

write me a message on my post-it
Monday, 5 May 2008
Wednesday, 30 April 2008
My idol from the 80's...
I remembered I first saw him in 1986...totally blown away with his performance with Michelle Yeoh in 'Royal Warriors'....that gazing look, those fangs, that hair, those suave martial arts moves, really got into me... A protege of Sonny Chiba,..he was THE 'package'...
i thot i lost him since then, as I was so busy with I don't know what...
Little did I know that he got so 'big',..he was practically TV serials, commercials, theatres, more movies,...and it got him all over the world...Hollywood wanted a piece of him too, getting him in THE LAST SAMURAI and the upcoming SUNSHINE...anybody needs a Japanese star?...they'll cast him in..He was such a chameleon, that i failed to recognise him behind all those makeup and disguise meant for his roles...
I remembered that he usually get killed in his it as a hero, or a villain......and I cried when he 'died' in his role as the legendary Sakamoto Ryoma..brutal killing scene...but he 'died' beautifully and in the most handsome face, thrusting his cute samurai ponytail hairdo into the air...only to be ended with a painful thud on his chest...*aaawwww*
(To put down his whole filmography here would most probably flood my,..u want to find out more abt him?..go chk him out yrself...hehe)
ANYWAY..22 years later,...i caught him again when I stumbled upon THE PROMISE together with Jang Dong-Gun, Cecilia Chung and Nicholas Tse....beautiful,beautiful love story spun within a web of loyalty and courage..An international superstar in his own right,..with an enormous collection of accolades under his belt,...there's no mistake about it...
Multiple award-winning actor, dancer, singer, martial art expert, love magnet...
He is the one.
The only.
Give it up.
(Don't worry Stephen Chow, u are STILL my idol too...from HK,that is..)
i thot i lost him since then, as I was so busy with I don't know what...
Little did I know that he got so 'big',..he was practically TV serials, commercials, theatres, more movies,...and it got him all over the world...Hollywood wanted a piece of him too, getting him in THE LAST SAMURAI and the upcoming SUNSHINE...anybody needs a Japanese star?...they'll cast him in..He was such a chameleon, that i failed to recognise him behind all those makeup and disguise meant for his roles...
I remembered that he usually get killed in his it as a hero, or a villain......and I cried when he 'died' in his role as the legendary Sakamoto Ryoma..brutal killing scene...but he 'died' beautifully and in the most handsome face, thrusting his cute samurai ponytail hairdo into the air...only to be ended with a painful thud on his chest...*aaawwww*
(To put down his whole filmography here would most probably flood my,..u want to find out more abt him?..go chk him out yrself...hehe)
ANYWAY..22 years later,...i caught him again when I stumbled upon THE PROMISE together with Jang Dong-Gun, Cecilia Chung and Nicholas Tse....beautiful,beautiful love story spun within a web of loyalty and courage..An international superstar in his own right,..with an enormous collection of accolades under his belt,...there's no mistake about it...
Multiple award-winning actor, dancer, singer, martial art expert, love magnet...
He is the one.
The only.
Give it up.
(Don't worry Stephen Chow, u are STILL my idol too...from HK,that is..)
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Saturday Nite Fever

nope....not the movie...but the fever itself....fever from Thurs nite to be exact...went up and down,goes on and off ..faster than a roller coaster ride....Doctor?'ll go away...maybe it's due to the wet weather that we've been having plus the fatigue that i had lately. Can't keep complaining though.. Hujan Rahmat...A gift from God.Still,..felt miserable, with the turn of 'events' that happened. It was quite a week for me. However, I chose not to divulge any. Let's just say, behind every dark cloud lies a silver lining and I believe and I DO WANT to believe that I will get right through this 'rain' and shall wait for the sunshine all over again..and for us to get that first glimpse of sunrise, we should brace ourself for the darkest state of the sky before the rising of dawn...(dalam tu makna nya ..)
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Lights, Camera, Action!
This morning, while surfing, listened to Ria 89.7FM and there was this segment called "ACTION" by Hafeez Glamour. Found out that its only on every Wed where callers are encouraged to participate by immitating/re-enact a scene from well-remembered films eg. P Ramlee films and etc.. Then callers will call-in to vote for their favourite and the winner will get to request for their fave song.(is that all?) before it went on air, they played this montage of previous participants with their acting.. i broke a smile and waited for the 1st participant. Then this Mbak called in to act out a scene from some Indon Sinetron.(in which I don't know of).I can't relate to anything that the MBak said..maybe its becuz I don't know the sinetron in which she re-enacted..and so Hafeez waited for another caller..Few minutes later,..there's still none...Guess what?..I picked up the fone and dialled in. (What on EARTH was I thinking!)..and it was immediately answered!..surprise2..he got my particulars and told him that ANA wud be doing a scene from 'MASAM MASAM MANIS'

..then,...while waiting for his que, i managed to msg hub who's at his office and asked him to tune in..then,..i was on air...blah..blah..blah...and got the most votes! for the song?...mmm..what else but my fave KEKASIH GELAPKU....(for you, sayang!)
Next stop,..want to do scenes from other P Ramlee ready?...ACTION!

..then,...while waiting for his que, i managed to msg hub who's at his office and asked him to tune in..then,..i was on air...blah..blah..blah...and got the most votes! for the song?...mmm..what else but my fave KEKASIH GELAPKU....(for you, sayang!)
Next stop,..want to do scenes from other P Ramlee ready?...ACTION!
Should I ..Shouldn't I...
Mmmm...recently procrastinating on whether should i start another blog specially for my other passion - FOOD...initially, I started this one as an avenue to share my food binge with all..but then it turned personal and the rest is...well...history. I know it's not THAT difficult but the problem is,..I have to dig back those pix i had been keeping and post them in..but..hehe, the REAL reason is - lazy...then again, I'll, I guess,I'll go into construction now..
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Apple Bread Pudding Muffin
Crush of 1976
Previously i mentioned abt the 1976 Sayang Anakku Sayang. Did any of u remember this movie?..Had a crush on Aziz M Osman (the eldest brother) at that time.. here's a clip..
To listen, u have to stop the audio on my pink ipod on the top right hand corner of this page..
To listen, u have to stop the audio on my pink ipod on the top right hand corner of this page..
Ngo Oi Lei !..(find a cantonese friend to translate this)
1st..i must say that i didn't sleep well..hv been up since 3am plus, i think...don't ask me why..coz i don't damn eyes just wouldn't shut and my mind keep venturing into a horizon-less realm...
anyway,..what i'm about to say will make the man of my life wanna puke..but i'm gonna say it anyway... i love Stephen Chow..since 1983... no time to tell it all but yesterday nite i managed to watch his latest flick, CJ7..

i don't wanna waste time writing up the synopsis of the movie. Neither do i want to be a spoiler. What i'm interested to say is that it made me laugh till i wanna pee,...AND at the same time,...made my heart palpate to hold back my tears...yes, made me laugh and cry at the same time..and i could only do that thru his movie,...besides the 70s "Sayang Anakku Sayang"..
it made me marvel at the talented young boy who played the role of his son. Where on earth did they discover him from?..Great job...An award for him, perhaps?
I wouldn't wanna compromise about Stephen's acting. He was superb - as always. At 46, he still charms me with his silver grey streaked hair and that boyish look on his face is now the gaze of a much mature man, in which his nickname now in the industry is "Grandmaster" - a title he's most deserving to don.
the plot was SO simple, it will pass the minds of ordinary folks as just another movie...but for a mind like mine - it went deep.
It screamed the essence of the bond between father and son, integrity, honour, affection, trust and love.....camouflaged in a sci-fi, heavily-CGIed, animated cover story

Many of u would associate Stephen as the face of Comedy but he's also a gifted serious actor (check out his accolades comprising of best actor and director)...and therefore, i love him not just because he made me laugh,..but also because he can crumble me down to my last tear..all in that cute old 'kemek' face..
i wanted to cry real loud in one particular scene but held back, coz i knew i wud be mocked at..i dun get it...people who actually shed tears in movies are continuously being labelled and judged as super sensitive and are showered with mockings and jeers...Why?..just because we happen to HAVE a heart?..Come on...that's why we have tear ducts, people!..(made me remember my Ayah)
Anyways..i seriously think that this movie is a good one, if not the best. It didn't take a whole village of actors to sum up a sobbing scene - all it took was a young son, his father, and a WHOLE lot of love...
To all Stephen Chow fans - u will enjoy this one, just like u did the rest..
Seng Zhai, ngo oi lei!!

anyway,..what i'm about to say will make the man of my life wanna puke..but i'm gonna say it anyway... i love Stephen Chow..since 1983... no time to tell it all but yesterday nite i managed to watch his latest flick, CJ7..

i don't wanna waste time writing up the synopsis of the movie. Neither do i want to be a spoiler. What i'm interested to say is that it made me laugh till i wanna pee,...AND at the same time,...made my heart palpate to hold back my tears...yes, made me laugh and cry at the same time..and i could only do that thru his movie,...besides the 70s "Sayang Anakku Sayang"..
it made me marvel at the talented young boy who played the role of his son. Where on earth did they discover him from?..Great job...An award for him, perhaps?

the plot was SO simple, it will pass the minds of ordinary folks as just another movie...but for a mind like mine - it went deep.

It screamed the essence of the bond between father and son, integrity, honour, affection, trust and love.....camouflaged in a sci-fi, heavily-CGIed, animated cover story

Many of u would associate Stephen as the face of Comedy but he's also a gifted serious actor (check out his accolades comprising of best actor and director)...and therefore, i love him not just because he made me laugh,..but also because he can crumble me down to my last tear..all in that cute old 'kemek' face..
i wanted to cry real loud in one particular scene but held back, coz i knew i wud be mocked at..i dun get it...people who actually shed tears in movies are continuously being labelled and judged as super sensitive and are showered with mockings and jeers...Why?..just because we happen to HAVE a heart?..Come on...that's why we have tear ducts, people!..(made me remember my Ayah)
Anyways..i seriously think that this movie is a good one, if not the best. It didn't take a whole village of actors to sum up a sobbing scene - all it took was a young son, his father, and a WHOLE lot of love...
To all Stephen Chow fans - u will enjoy this one, just like u did the rest..
Seng Zhai, ngo oi lei!!

Saturday, 9 February 2008
The Quest for Buah Kana..

Dear Julia...
kalau u cakap buah tu easily available near yr workplace,..dat's good....sebab it's quite hard to find them here... seriously kena cari kat tempat kedai runcit yang agak classic lagi ancient...jangan kata buah kana,...asam asin yang kaler merah tu kalau dapat,...mesti kena lenyek kat bibir...dulu time kecik2,..selalu lumur kat bibir...konon nak rasa feeling pakai lipstick...tenyeh macam tenyeh sentil!..hehe..
kat sini pun Ju,...kalau ada asam asin ni,...time raya cina banyak la...sebab i pun tak tau ape yg dorang ni feast on during their lunar new year..kita lain la...anything from A - Z,...u name it, we eat it...masam, manis, pedas, tawar,...semua ada...segala binatang laut, binatang darat,..sayur mayur,...mesti singgah perut...
akak ni bukan ape...(alamak...cakap pasal akak ni macam terasa diri ni macam Akak Ogy....dia punya AKAK tu mesti nak kasi sengau kat idung sikit..hehe)
'A..kak ni,...suka reminisce barang2 lama...bukan la akak ni otai sangat...i'm just matured and childish at the same time...(mak ai...puji diri sendiri)..but sometimes,..the old stuff are only remembered when they're gone...
so,...kadang2,..barang2 like these can actually keep us glued to our past before proceeding to the future...
alamak, Ju...kalau Ju nak panggil Akak,...i dun mind...but i think i'd just skip that whenever i address myself eh?...i'll just stick to..I / ME / AKU ...
bukan ape,...panggilan akak ni,..teringaaat pada seorang yg i kenal...negatif la...
alaa..tak kisah la..apa2 pun, doesn't matter...what matters most,...we stay in touch...or shud i say "networking"...hehe..
Friday, 8 February 2008
Night at the movies..
biler aku nak tido ni...
niat di hati konon nak tido... tapi mata ni makin tebeliak pulak....
Suddenly have this craving to watch Stephen Chow's latest CJ7...sambil makan kuaci belang-belang dengan buah kana...aku pilih kuaci belang-belang pasal yg kuaci itam tu, aku tak suka...gigit, gigit, pecah...gigit, gigit,..pecah..leceh ah...bila nak game..kuaci dia pun kudut..tipis je..kalau yang belang-belang ni, ada body sikit.....
..paling best kalau dapat tengok in those drive-in theatres...macam zaman 60s kat US..watching movies in the open, under the nite stars...cuma popcorn aku kena tukar dengan kampung snacks...kuaci belang-belang dengan buah kana...untung nasib, dapat kacang kuda rebus pun bole la...lagi power, kalau ada buah berangan...Fuh!...terangkat!...
or maybe cry myself to sleep by watching What's eating Gilbert Grape...aah..korang tak tau kan,..cerita ape tu..tak tau takpe...janji aku sorang has Johnny Depp and Leo DiCaprio in his Oscar nominated role... to be watched only by those who appreciate good me...hehe
mmm...ngomong-ngomong....mana nak cari buah kana sekarang ni eh...yg packaging dia ada 3 biji buah kana wrapped in paper tipis,abey tu kena pintal...simple,..murah,..practical,...tapi biji dia ada sikit tajam kat ujung dia...kalau time isap-isap, tekena lidah,..adoi...geram punya pasal,...ptuih!..kena ludah...tu yang syok tu..
aku teringat zaman dolu2...zaman takde duit nak tengok wayang,....tiket pakai tiket daun...kepada sape yg panjat pokok time tu,...tau la...
sekarang ni,..tgk wayang tak macam dulu commercial...tiket pun punya lah mahal..sampai $10 setengah..bole buat belanja pasar beb...
teringat in 1991 aku nak sangat tengok cerita Jackie Chan ..punya kalang kabut beli tiket,...sekali masuk dah gelap...wah,..dapat duduk apa lagi...excited giler la...sekali bukak cerita,...tau2...cerita Thailand!..rupa2nya kitorang salah lineup...cerita black-magic pulak tu!.dah la cakap thailand...subtitle pun subtitle cina...mati idup balik aku tak faham jalan cerita..low-budget punya effects pulak tu....apa nak buat...nak tak nak tengok aje la dengan hati yg menyumpah macam nak rak...yg macam taik nya,...satu jam aje!...punya la fed up...apa2 pun,...bukan salah aku...yg salah, tukang beli la...
sekarang ni dah pukul tiga pagi...kalau p ramlee masih ada, mesti dia dah nyanyi kan aku suruh tido...ini la akibatnya minum kopi malam2 ari...sama ada minat nak tengok movies in yr cable tv...
ape2 pun,...the show must go on.....
Ana....tido, na.......
niat di hati konon nak tido... tapi mata ni makin tebeliak pulak....
Suddenly have this craving to watch Stephen Chow's latest CJ7...sambil makan kuaci belang-belang dengan buah kana...aku pilih kuaci belang-belang pasal yg kuaci itam tu, aku tak suka...gigit, gigit, pecah...gigit, gigit,..pecah..leceh ah...bila nak game..kuaci dia pun kudut..tipis je..kalau yang belang-belang ni, ada body sikit.....

or maybe cry myself to sleep by watching What's eating Gilbert Grape...aah..korang tak tau kan,..cerita ape tu..tak tau takpe...janji aku sorang has Johnny Depp and Leo DiCaprio in his Oscar nominated role... to be watched only by those who appreciate good me...hehe
mmm...ngomong-ngomong....mana nak cari buah kana sekarang ni eh...yg packaging dia ada 3 biji buah kana wrapped in paper tipis,abey tu kena pintal...simple,..murah,..practical,...tapi biji dia ada sikit tajam kat ujung dia...kalau time isap-isap, tekena lidah,..adoi...geram punya pasal,...ptuih!..kena ludah...tu yang syok tu..
aku teringat zaman dolu2...zaman takde duit nak tengok wayang,....tiket pakai tiket daun...kepada sape yg panjat pokok time tu,...tau la...
sekarang ni,..tgk wayang tak macam dulu commercial...tiket pun punya lah mahal..sampai $10 setengah..bole buat belanja pasar beb...
teringat in 1991 aku nak sangat tengok cerita Jackie Chan ..punya kalang kabut beli tiket,...sekali masuk dah gelap...wah,..dapat duduk apa lagi...excited giler la...sekali bukak cerita,...tau2...cerita Thailand!..rupa2nya kitorang salah lineup...cerita black-magic pulak tu!.dah la cakap thailand...subtitle pun subtitle cina...mati idup balik aku tak faham jalan cerita..low-budget punya effects pulak tu....apa nak buat...nak tak nak tengok aje la dengan hati yg menyumpah macam nak rak...yg macam taik nya,...satu jam aje!...punya la fed up...apa2 pun,...bukan salah aku...yg salah, tukang beli la...
sekarang ni dah pukul tiga pagi...kalau p ramlee masih ada, mesti dia dah nyanyi kan aku suruh tido...ini la akibatnya minum kopi malam2 ari...sama ada minat nak tengok movies in yr cable tv...
ape2 pun,...the show must go on.....
Ana....tido, na.......
Hello Kelat & Julia
i'd like to dedicate a warm welcome shout out to Kelat and Julia,...
Thank u for stumbling in and made contact with me...wud u both please elaborate more on yourselves?...may we have a progressive correspondence...
*big smile*
Thank u for stumbling in and made contact with me...wud u both please elaborate more on yourselves?...may we have a progressive correspondence...
*big smile*
More stories....
tengok ah....bila dah mula update,...dah tak tau nak stop....ntah hape yg aku kalang kabut nak update pun tak tau la....tapi takpe...selagi semangat sedang membakar ni,...jangan di siram api nya....nanti kalau dah takde mood,...alamat arwah lagi laaa blog aku ni...
ok...ape nak cerita lagi eh.................................................................................................................................................................................................
hai...tadi semangat semacam... belum ape2 ..akal pun mula suram...actually,..sekarang ni aku tak bole mesti si kopi-o kau2 yg aku buat and minum sendiri the way,...i takde pantang2...sebab tu tembam.. tadi buat kopi pasal kononnya nak minum dengan bercecahkan kuih baulu yang aku dapat dari sally...sambil tengok tv musim2 limau kopek ni,..konon nak go on a food binge la...last2 tak bole tido..padan muka aku... actually nak cerita2 lagi...tapi bila nak upload photos,..baru teringat its all in the D drive from my other laptop. Nak transfer macam lain kali aje la..
cakap pasal musim hari busat ni...boring ah...aku tak gi mana2...nak jalan pun tk bole lama2...maklum,..perut baru 'touch up'..jalan lama sikit,...gerenti lepak...sekarang sensitip sikit ah...perut aku dah tak macam dulu...dah tak rugged..hehe....sekarang ni,..salah makan sikit - sakit,..salah stretch sikit - sakit...fed up...obat yg lebih....macam makan kapur barus...iye la...nak baik, tapi tanak makan obat...camna nak baik eh?..bukan TAKUT makan obat...MALAS...aku ni eh...rasanya...tak pernah makan obat sendiri tau...mesti kena ada orang paksa..berdiri kat depan muka, bawakkan obat & air...baru telan...kalau tak...jgn harap..pasal ape?...bukan manja.. tak kuasa la....percaya la cakap hamba ni...dats why aku dapat title SUPER DEGIL...memang extreme,..memang power...tapi itu lah hakikatnya...aku rasa,..kalau aku makan obat sendiri...bukan look independent tau...rasa kental!...i know u all tak setuju with this statement ...but that is exactly what i feel...strange?...well THAT'S me!...hehe
ok...ape nak cerita lagi eh.................................................................................................................................................................................................
hai...tadi semangat semacam... belum ape2 ..akal pun mula suram...actually,..sekarang ni aku tak bole mesti si kopi-o kau2 yg aku buat and minum sendiri the way,...i takde pantang2...sebab tu tembam.. tadi buat kopi pasal kononnya nak minum dengan bercecahkan kuih baulu yang aku dapat dari sally...sambil tengok tv musim2 limau kopek ni,..konon nak go on a food binge la...last2 tak bole tido..padan muka aku... actually nak cerita2 lagi...tapi bila nak upload photos,..baru teringat its all in the D drive from my other laptop. Nak transfer macam lain kali aje la..
cakap pasal musim hari busat ni...boring ah...aku tak gi mana2...nak jalan pun tk bole lama2...maklum,..perut baru 'touch up'..jalan lama sikit,...gerenti lepak...sekarang sensitip sikit ah...perut aku dah tak macam dulu...dah tak rugged..hehe....sekarang ni,..salah makan sikit - sakit,..salah stretch sikit - sakit...fed up...obat yg lebih....macam makan kapur barus...iye la...nak baik, tapi tanak makan obat...camna nak baik eh?..bukan TAKUT makan obat...MALAS...aku ni eh...rasanya...tak pernah makan obat sendiri tau...mesti kena ada orang paksa..berdiri kat depan muka, bawakkan obat & air...baru telan...kalau tak...jgn harap..pasal ape?...bukan manja.. tak kuasa la....percaya la cakap hamba ni...dats why aku dapat title SUPER DEGIL...memang extreme,..memang power...tapi itu lah hakikatnya...aku rasa,..kalau aku makan obat sendiri...bukan look independent tau...rasa kental!...i know u all tak setuju with this statement ...but that is exactly what i feel...strange?...well THAT'S me!...hehe
Biar Pecah Di Perut
alamak....selang beberapa minit berfikir, mind gave up...looking back, i left my blog somewhere in September...lama tu...bulan puasa...oohh...bulan puasa,...hari raya,...cuti sekolah,...and so on....banyak cerita yang berkontrovesi dan tak kurang juga ada yang berprestasi...yang mana nak...tapi, macam dah lupa ah...takpe la..maybe i shud just start from where I had an operation to remove my appendix and another extended 2 inches more of my colon.. Sebelum tu, somewhere in December,...dah sakit la...sakit ni jangan cakap la..tak tau nak cakap exactly from when..semuanya bercampur aduk..dah lama...tapi i am a sceptical person,..not to mention super degil..bila sakit,..tahan...dah tak sakit,..buat bodoh...but it all came to a halt when i thot the pain was too much to bear and so i went to the hospital and ...blah..blah..blah...the rest is history....
wah...time kat hospital,..time muka macam daging tak empuk,...time tu lah orang datang...nak cakap tak welcome tak baik...orang besar ati nak melawat,..aku ni sebuk dengan benda2 yang tak necessary..yg tak best,..tak dapat makan,..biasalah,..perut kena tebuk in 4 places,..throat penuh dengan ulcer after being lacerated by the tube yg macam tube washing machine, which was being forced down my windpipe during the op. Aku tak dpt makan takpe la...orang yg datang ni yang makan macam kenduri kat ward tu..Fuh!..punye jealous!...tapi, terima kasih kepada family,friends,Shirin,Lynn, Sally...thanks so much...but the best part, sedara mara patient2 kat situ ingatkan aku ni operate beranak..ape dah...ade jugak satu org tanya aku.."oh..u had a baby girl, izit?"..pasal ape tau?...pasal dia ternampak aku punya teddy bear colour pink yang aku peluk macam baby tua...i'm a teddy Shirin & Lynn bought me one as a get well soon gift...I named it RUSS..(pronounced as Ras)..pasal ape aku pilih nama tu,..jgn di tanya...its face just screamed that name to me...cute tau...nanti aku taruk dia punya pic kat sini...
All in all,..Sally banyak tolong aku..Ros pun sama...thanks for all yr help in getting me up on my feet again, until last week,...where my pusat 'bocor' cakap i did not get it healed properly..lasak sangat...ape tak...baru balik hospital dah nak buat macam2..anyway, it fixed and i'm recuperating all over again..
Lagi satu,..i received lots of recommendations for easy and quick home remedies yg konon nya menjanjikan yg terbaik...with all due respect,..terima kasih kepada semua yg berniat baik untuk melihat aku sihat semula...dari pada kena minum air rebusan biji kelentit kering (sumpah!...bukan aku yg cakap,...orang yg jual tu yg cakap ini nama dia..some sort of belimbing bukit ke ape ntah ...),...kepada buah pala, air rebusan biji kani,..dan lain2 lagi....but nothing prepared me for the worst tasting thing that my tongue had ever tasted.....aku kena minum...
Ya Allah!!!...punya seksa,..aku tak tahan dia punya hanyir la...cuma 70ml, tapi nak minum..nak kena upah dengan yakult to wash it down,...tak bole sekali togok...aku telan in 5 small, tortured, togokan...1st time minum,...nangis...
my salute to all the people yang berani makan obat for me,...memang tak guna...kalau minum pun,..kerana terpaksa...tapi apa2 pun,....cheers to good health!!...i hope i'll never have to minum this pati ...ever again..
wah...time kat hospital,..time muka macam daging tak empuk,...time tu lah orang datang...nak cakap tak welcome tak baik...orang besar ati nak melawat,..aku ni sebuk dengan benda2 yang tak necessary..yg tak best,..tak dapat makan,..biasalah,..perut kena tebuk in 4 places,..throat penuh dengan ulcer after being lacerated by the tube yg macam tube washing machine, which was being forced down my windpipe during the op. Aku tak dpt makan takpe la...orang yg datang ni yang makan macam kenduri kat ward tu..Fuh!..punye jealous!...tapi, terima kasih kepada family,friends,Shirin,Lynn, Sally...thanks so much...but the best part, sedara mara patient2 kat situ ingatkan aku ni operate beranak..ape dah...ade jugak satu org tanya aku.."oh..u had a baby girl, izit?"..pasal ape tau?...pasal dia ternampak aku punya teddy bear colour pink yang aku peluk macam baby tua...i'm a teddy Shirin & Lynn bought me one as a get well soon gift...I named it RUSS..(pronounced as Ras)..pasal ape aku pilih nama tu,..jgn di tanya...its face just screamed that name to me...cute tau...nanti aku taruk dia punya pic kat sini...
All in all,..Sally banyak tolong aku..Ros pun sama...thanks for all yr help in getting me up on my feet again, until last week,...where my pusat 'bocor' cakap i did not get it healed properly..lasak sangat...ape tak...baru balik hospital dah nak buat macam2..anyway, it fixed and i'm recuperating all over again..
Lagi satu,..i received lots of recommendations for easy and quick home remedies yg konon nya menjanjikan yg terbaik...with all due respect,..terima kasih kepada semua yg berniat baik untuk melihat aku sihat semula...dari pada kena minum air rebusan biji kelentit kering (sumpah!...bukan aku yg cakap,...orang yg jual tu yg cakap ini nama dia..some sort of belimbing bukit ke ape ntah ...),...kepada buah pala, air rebusan biji kani,..dan lain2 lagi....but nothing prepared me for the worst tasting thing that my tongue had ever tasted.....aku kena minum...
Ya Allah!!!...punya seksa,..aku tak tahan dia punya hanyir la...cuma 70ml, tapi nak minum..nak kena upah dengan yakult to wash it down,...tak bole sekali togok...aku telan in 5 small, tortured, togokan...1st time minum,...nangis...
my salute to all the people yang berani makan obat for me,...memang tak guna...kalau minum pun,..kerana terpaksa...tapi apa2 pun,....cheers to good health!!...i hope i'll never have to minum this pati ...ever again..
Dah 2008....!!
adoi....where have i been all these while ya...
tau2...dah Feb 2008....alamak..macam missing in action,..ngalahkan orang yang gi melawat bulan pulak...the time lapse/gap was so large,..ingatkan dah nak bungkus aje this blog site...tapi,..tau2..ada tamu singgah,...terus tak jadi...tiba2 semangat di dada terasa dibakar semula...semarak semacam....InsyaAllah,..ingat nak teruskan aje lah blog nie...ada orang baca ke, takde ke, takpe lah...i'm sure if as long as i have something to tell,...then there'll always be someone ,somewhere to accidentally stumble and read my postings....
eemmm...ape nak cerita dulu eh...cerita/ kejadian tu amatlah lah membuak2 banyak nya...terasa macam satu2 tu berlumba2 nak keluar dulu...nanti ...give me a minute..maybe i shud start from where i last ended....stay tuned...coz Suhana might just be back!..
tau2...dah Feb 2008....alamak..macam missing in action,..ngalahkan orang yang gi melawat bulan pulak...the time lapse/gap was so large,..ingatkan dah nak bungkus aje this blog site...tapi,..tau2..ada tamu singgah,...terus tak jadi...tiba2 semangat di dada terasa dibakar semula...semarak semacam....InsyaAllah,..ingat nak teruskan aje lah blog nie...ada orang baca ke, takde ke, takpe lah...i'm sure if as long as i have something to tell,...then there'll always be someone ,somewhere to accidentally stumble and read my postings....
eemmm...ape nak cerita dulu eh...cerita/ kejadian tu amatlah lah membuak2 banyak nya...terasa macam satu2 tu berlumba2 nak keluar dulu...nanti ...give me a minute..maybe i shud start from where i last ended....stay tuned...coz Suhana might just be back!..
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
My Chubby-Jac me childish..but hey..there's a kid in every one of us..
Just wanna introduce you to my beloved Chubby, a birthday gift to me by my girlz last year..he's got a super cute boncet tummy and very cute 'sleeping tiger' eyes....

and here's Jac-Jac.....I got it when we bought the McDonalds' meal sometime ago when The Incredibles hit the theatres's sooo cute, I decided that it shall stay with me...hehe..
Just wanna introduce you to my beloved Chubby, a birthday gift to me by my girlz last year..he's got a super cute boncet tummy and very cute 'sleeping tiger' eyes....

and here's Jac-Jac.....I got it when we bought the McDonalds' meal sometime ago when The Incredibles hit the theatres's sooo cute, I decided that it shall stay with me...hehe..

A Belated Teachers' Day
after lots of thots,I finally decided to post something a way, I hutang gambar dgn khaziah..
anyway,..we celebrated Teacher's Day 2007 with a treat from Khaziah. Where?..Dinner at Secret Recipe @IMM.I actually thot of somewhere nearer, like Swensen's or something but she insisted that we go to a place where I've never tried the food before..She convincingly said that the food there's nice, so I agreed. Again, June can't go,so there's only me , Ros ,Sally, and Khaziah herself.

Went there by cab,and sat ourselves in a corner up on a raised platform.

We took sometime to order as all three of us have not been there before and I wanted to have something a little different. For drinks, I ordered Iced Lemon Tea Float, Sally had Watermelon Juice, Khaziah had Kasturi Apple Lime Punch or something like that, while Ros had 7-up with lemon, I think...forgot laa...

the funny thing was that they were not allowed to taste their orders b4 I had a chance to take a shot at them with my cam.Muka satu2 boring pasal tak boleh minum dulu especially Khaziah yang da haus tu..
Then, we ordered our food..
I had Chicken Cordon Bleu. I think it's some chicken breast stuffed with turkey ham and cheese served with slaw and fries. I thot the combination would taste crazy but it was sedap giler!..hehe..pandainya aku pilih!

when u split it open,....fuuhh!..heaven...

Khaziah had baked fish with lobster sauce..but something happened and it was served with pesto sauce instead...I kecek her was delish!..but she was sooo full from the earlier Teachers' Day Lunch that she had - that she couldn't take that much I kecek lagi laa..sedap..the fish taste best when it was still hot, meaning - u gotta devour it as soon as they lay it down in front of u..but I find the side bun not matching enough to go with the dish..and it looked more like a raw egg...don't u think?...but I ate it anyway,hehe..

Ros pulak, ordered Fish n Chips, complete with soup of the day and the bun which looked like raw egg...BUT...they forgot the lemon!...incomplete, man!...
and the vege?...mmmm I prefer mine to come with carrots and broccoli..tapi..takpe la...ini Ros punya..

Sally had ...alamak I forgot la...sumpah!'s the photo,anyway...i think it's chicken ke ape ntah...u figure..

I ordered Caesar's Salad when I thot that we do not have enough vege on our plates.
I asked the waitress(who don't seem local)about the dressings that they have - I would love to have Ranch dressing to go with that but the waitress don't seem to understand the words that came out of my mouth.So I spared her the agony and just asked for some Thousand Island instead..I love the croutons(toasted bread cubes) but the sprinkle of turkey ham bits was a bit too extravagant,though..

We chatted and gossiped through the meal , laughed, got serious, laughed again,...and oh..we each received an orchid bouquet and a gift from Khaziah & Munirah.

When I noticed that I gulped down my Ice Lemon Tea Float too soon, I asked for their house mineral water,costing 50cents a bottle.

Then,I got greedy and asked for dessert. Everybody else were stuffed except me...I mean,..I gotta have their house special,right?..Khaziah wanted Iced Mocha or something like that...I asked for a Cuppucino and the famous Banana Chocolate Cake.

I asked yang lain nak tak sikit...Dorang tanak - bukan I tak tanya - so ape lagi, I baham sorang la...alamak....sedap....memang kita berborak lagi sampai....

kita dah tak bole makan lagi, dan ...

cake pun lat-lat tinggal ini aje...
dah kenyang semua,...Khaziah generously treated me to 2 more slices of the cake that I had, to be given to my 2 girls at home.Thnks, sis.
So,bila kita look around, kita je yang masih dok lekat kat resto tu, dorang pun da nak tutup, we decided to go off pasal Abg Kareem, hero nya si Ros pun dah nak pick up dia.Kita pun jalan to the taxi stand. Orang punya la ramai, macam nak line up Hello Kitty.Ntah tak semena-mena, I asked the group of giggling chinese girls infront of us to snap us this pic..bukan ape..konon2 bukti that we had a girls' nite out kat IMM.

Kaki sampai sakit tunggu, we decided to give them some credit too. Hitam,yang kasut macam kasut my hubby tu kaki Khaziah, Nampak jari yang macam nak pegi pasar tu kaki Sally,yang lonjong macam kuih lopes tinggal nak siram gula melaka tu kaki Ros, dan saya yang putih tu la...yang dah nak tanggal tu...

hai...tunggu punya tunggu teksi,tak gerak2 kita punya q-line.Sekali,hero Ros datang macam mat rempit. Bila Ros dah balik, aku step muka ceria konon2 pujuk nasib sendiri tunggu teksi yang tak sampai2.

Last2, I call hubby who's still in his office at Ngee Ann Poly to come and fetch us. It was a good 20 mins b4 he came.
Felt tired, but this time,....kenyang...time pegi Delifrance kemarin,tak kenyang...hehe
Anyway, thanks AGAIN Zie,...for the sumptuous treat.
That was a great nite and u know it!
after lots of thots,I finally decided to post something a way, I hutang gambar dgn khaziah..
anyway,..we celebrated Teacher's Day 2007 with a treat from Khaziah. Where?..Dinner at Secret Recipe @IMM.I actually thot of somewhere nearer, like Swensen's or something but she insisted that we go to a place where I've never tried the food before..She convincingly said that the food there's nice, so I agreed. Again, June can't go,so there's only me , Ros ,Sally, and Khaziah herself.

Went there by cab,and sat ourselves in a corner up on a raised platform.

We took sometime to order as all three of us have not been there before and I wanted to have something a little different. For drinks, I ordered Iced Lemon Tea Float, Sally had Watermelon Juice, Khaziah had Kasturi Apple Lime Punch or something like that, while Ros had 7-up with lemon, I think...forgot laa...

the funny thing was that they were not allowed to taste their orders b4 I had a chance to take a shot at them with my cam.Muka satu2 boring pasal tak boleh minum dulu especially Khaziah yang da haus tu..
Then, we ordered our food..
I had Chicken Cordon Bleu. I think it's some chicken breast stuffed with turkey ham and cheese served with slaw and fries. I thot the combination would taste crazy but it was sedap giler!..hehe..pandainya aku pilih!

when u split it open,....fuuhh!..heaven...

Khaziah had baked fish with lobster sauce..but something happened and it was served with pesto sauce instead...I kecek her was delish!..but she was sooo full from the earlier Teachers' Day Lunch that she had - that she couldn't take that much I kecek lagi laa..sedap..the fish taste best when it was still hot, meaning - u gotta devour it as soon as they lay it down in front of u..but I find the side bun not matching enough to go with the dish..and it looked more like a raw egg...don't u think?...but I ate it anyway,hehe..

Ros pulak, ordered Fish n Chips, complete with soup of the day and the bun which looked like raw egg...BUT...they forgot the lemon!...incomplete, man!...
and the vege?...mmmm I prefer mine to come with carrots and broccoli..tapi..takpe la...ini Ros punya..

Sally had ...alamak I forgot la...sumpah!'s the photo,anyway...i think it's chicken ke ape ntah...u figure..

I ordered Caesar's Salad when I thot that we do not have enough vege on our plates.
I asked the waitress(who don't seem local)about the dressings that they have - I would love to have Ranch dressing to go with that but the waitress don't seem to understand the words that came out of my mouth.So I spared her the agony and just asked for some Thousand Island instead..I love the croutons(toasted bread cubes) but the sprinkle of turkey ham bits was a bit too extravagant,though..

We chatted and gossiped through the meal , laughed, got serious, laughed again,...and oh..we each received an orchid bouquet and a gift from Khaziah & Munirah.

When I noticed that I gulped down my Ice Lemon Tea Float too soon, I asked for their house mineral water,costing 50cents a bottle.

Then,I got greedy and asked for dessert. Everybody else were stuffed except me...I mean,..I gotta have their house special,right?..Khaziah wanted Iced Mocha or something like that...I asked for a Cuppucino and the famous Banana Chocolate Cake.

I asked yang lain nak tak sikit...Dorang tanak - bukan I tak tanya - so ape lagi, I baham sorang la...alamak....sedap....memang kita berborak lagi sampai....

kita dah tak bole makan lagi, dan ...

cake pun lat-lat tinggal ini aje...
dah kenyang semua,...Khaziah generously treated me to 2 more slices of the cake that I had, to be given to my 2 girls at home.Thnks, sis.
So,bila kita look around, kita je yang masih dok lekat kat resto tu, dorang pun da nak tutup, we decided to go off pasal Abg Kareem, hero nya si Ros pun dah nak pick up dia.Kita pun jalan to the taxi stand. Orang punya la ramai, macam nak line up Hello Kitty.Ntah tak semena-mena, I asked the group of giggling chinese girls infront of us to snap us this pic..bukan ape..konon2 bukti that we had a girls' nite out kat IMM.

Kaki sampai sakit tunggu, we decided to give them some credit too. Hitam,yang kasut macam kasut my hubby tu kaki Khaziah, Nampak jari yang macam nak pegi pasar tu kaki Sally,yang lonjong macam kuih lopes tinggal nak siram gula melaka tu kaki Ros, dan saya yang putih tu la...yang dah nak tanggal tu...

hai...tunggu punya tunggu teksi,tak gerak2 kita punya q-line.Sekali,hero Ros datang macam mat rempit. Bila Ros dah balik, aku step muka ceria konon2 pujuk nasib sendiri tunggu teksi yang tak sampai2.

Last2, I call hubby who's still in his office at Ngee Ann Poly to come and fetch us. It was a good 20 mins b4 he came.
Felt tired, but this time,....kenyang...time pegi Delifrance kemarin,tak kenyang...hehe
Anyway, thanks AGAIN Zie,...for the sumptuous treat.
That was a great nite and u know it!

Saturday, 15 September 2007
Pointing the finger..

I have not been updating the blog,..yes, I's starting to collect dust ..but then again,..the latest thing that happened to me is....
well..I accidentally sliced off a good part of my left index tip,just to the right of the nail....with what?..a PENKNIFE....trying to do what?....trying to exact off the corners of an artwork with one good precision cut...but the ruler that I leaned against the blade began to slide on the rather slippery paper. I didn't manage to stop my right hand from knifing with one strong off goes a good chunk of my flesh...and I bled profusely. I bled so much (non-stop) that I had to go to the A&E. Brought along the piece of flesh in the hope that they could stitch it back...but due to the time it took for me to decide to go to hsptl,the tissue was already dead. So,they said that all they could do was to reconstruct it with grafting to promote tissue re-growth.The worst part?I gotta go there every 2 days for them to change the dressing(in which the wound is still bleeding underneath the layers of netting and bandage) and for them to monitor the tissue growth. So, I am now learning to do stuff with one finger less....sounds odd...but there are times when I felt rather difficult going about doing chores,especially cleaning myself. Also,it made me realise that we do need every limb that God had created for us as each of them REALLY does serve a purpose.It's a long road to recovery but I can't wait to point the finger again!...hehe
oh yes....I hope this is my excuse for not updating that often...typing this alone is killing me....had to narrow down my energy to just 2 fingers....Argh!!
Thursday, 6 September 2007
Where's Suhana?
helo, helo, helo....
adoi....lama sungguh rasanya tak masuk....ntah knape ntah...padahal banyak nak cakap...tapi,...tak cakap2...bila dah accumulate gini,...baru lah pedih nak type...apa nak cerita dulu eh...banyak nie..
ok mula2,..let me post some food pics first...i made these some time ago,..but only have the time to upload it now..
so,..these were what u missed...

adoi....lama sungguh rasanya tak masuk....ntah knape ntah...padahal banyak nak cakap...tapi,...tak cakap2...bila dah accumulate gini,...baru lah pedih nak type...apa nak cerita dulu eh...banyak nie..
ok mula2,..let me post some food pics first...i made these some time ago,..but only have the time to upload it now..
so,..these were what u missed...
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